This breed holds the title for the largest rabbit breed. Adult Flemish Giants can weigh around 13 to 14 pounds (5.9 to 6.4 kg) or more.
Flemish Giant
These rabbits can weigh between 12 to 14 pounds (5.4 to 6.4 kg) on average.
British Giant
Known for their distinctive coat pattern, Giant Papillons can weigh around 12 pounds (5.4 kg) or more.
Giant Papillon
Checkered Giant
These rabbits have a striking checkered pattern on their coat. They can weigh between 11 to 12 pounds (5 to 5.4 kg).
Giant Chinchilla
These rabbits can reach weights of around 12 pounds (5.4 kg) or more. They are known for their soft fur.
French Lop
While not as heavy as some other giants, French Lops are known for their large size and can weigh around 10 to 12 pounds (4.5 to 5.4 kg).
English Lop
Similar to the French Lop, the English Lop is recognized for its long ears and can weigh around 9 to 11 pounds (4.1 to 5 kg).
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