Legendary Animals that Did Human Jobs

While humans are the most intelligent species, there are other animals who have performed almost equal level of jobs that is noramlly associated with humans.

Amazing Animals

This white Risso's Dolphin gained fame in the late 19th century for guiding ships safely through dangerous waters of New Zealand's French Pass.

Jack the Dolphin

Congo made over 400 paintings. It started with random brushstrokes of nothing which evolved into work that depicted logic and planning. One of its paintings was sold for $ 25,000 in 2005.

Congo the Chimpanzee

This penguin in Norway was knighted in 2008 and made Major General in 2023. He is part of Norwegian King's Guard.

Major General Nils Olva the Penguin

This messenger pigeon save thousands of lives of British soldiers during World War II. It crossed 20 miles in 20 minutes and halted American air raid on an Italian village captured by the Brits. 

GI Joe the Pigeon

Jack the baboon learnt how to signal trains correctly. He died in 1890 in South Africa.

Jack the Baboon