Legends and facts about the upside down Baobab treeĀ
The Baobab predates humankind and has been traced back over 200 million years to the Pangea super-continent
They are the largest and longest-living flowering plant in the world, growing up to 30 meters high with a diameter of up to 15 diameters
In early days, as per legends the Baobabs were proud and upright and lorded their status over the smaller plants
Some African tribes believe that when they wash a baby boy in water-soaked in Baobabs bark they will grow up to be mighty and strong, like the tree itself
The trees have large, white, stinky flowers that have a tendency to open only at night. Old, large Baobabs can have hundreds of flowers.
The Baobab fruit is a traditional source of nutrition and one of the most nutrient-dense fruits found on earth.
The Baobab is also known as the 'tree of life'. Alongside the fruit, almost the entire tree can be - and is - used by humans in some capacity, for its many nutritional benefits, fibers, and also as a social location.
Fresh Baobab leaves were traditionally used for leaven and provide a spinach-like vegetable for soups and medicine