Before entering politics, Netanyahu served in the elite Sayeret Matkal unit of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF). He participated in combat operations, including the rescue of hostages during Operation Entebbe in 1976.

Netanyahu studied in the United States, earning degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Harvard University. He is known for his excellent command of English, which he developed during his time in the U.S.

Netanyahu comes from a family with a strong political background. His father, Benzion Netanyahu, was a prominent historian, and his brother, Yonatan Netanyahu, was tragically killed in action during Operation Entebbe.

While studying at MIT, Netanyahu used the pseudonym "Ben Nitay" for security reasons. This practice of using a pseudonym was relatively common among Israeli students studying abroad during that era.

Before re-entering Israeli politics, Netanyahu had a successful career in the private sector. He worked as a consultant and an advisor for several high-profile companies, including Boston Consulting Group.

Netanyahu is the author of several books, including "A Place Among the Nations: Israel and the World" and "Fighting Terrorism: How Democracies Can Defeat Domestic and International Terrorism." He has also held various diplomatic roles, including Israel's Ambassador to the United Nations.

Netanyahu is often referred to by the nickname "Bibi." This childhood nickname has stuck with him throughout his life and is widely used by both supporters and critics.

Netanyahu had become Israel's longest-serving prime minister, surpassing the previous record held by David Ben-Gurion. However, please note that this information may have changed since then.

Netanyahu is known for his conservative and right-wing political views. He has been a strong advocate for Israeli security and a tough stance on issues like the Iranian nuclear program.

Netanyahu faced various legal challenges during his tenure as Prime Minister, including allegations of corruption. These legal proceedings have had a significant impact on his political career and public perception.