Light up your fish tank: 10 Colorful fish

Light up your fish tank: 10 Colorful fish

German Blue Ram Males have a more pointed fin whereas females tend to be smaller in size and have a pinkish-orange belly.

Betta Betta fish are some of the prettiest freshwater fish available in the aquarium trade. Arguably the most colorful tropical fish.

Dwarf Gourami A peaceful fish, it has a oval-shaped body with  large anal and dorsal fins.

Boesemani Rainbow A long-bodied fish, the color pattern of specifically the M. boesemani is what sets it apart from other types of rainbowfish.

Paradise Fish With their vivid blue and red  striped bodied, large dorsal fins, and forked tail, Paradise fish are an eye-catching choice of freshwater fish.

Endlers Their willingness to breed has made them a favorite to hybridize and selectively breed to create an array of pretty pattern and color combinations.

Bluefin Notho Bluefin Notho are a vibrant, energetic freshwater killifish with red bodies covered in shiny metallic turquoise speckles.

Flowerhorn Cichlid Flowerhorns are one of the most interesting and coolest looking fish in the aquarium hobby.

Cherry Barb A peaceful schooling fish, when housed with others like neon tetra and rasboras, it can make for a picturesque community tank.

Electric Blue Hap Electric blue haps have been one of the most popular African Cichlids in the aquarium community due to its coloration.