Massive Ships that went missing without any trace

MV JOYITA The half submerged boat drifted towards the Fijian Island. All the 25-member crew went missing with no trace.  

Patriot  The daughter of American politician Aaron Burr was sailing on the Patriot, when the ship disappeared and it never reached its destination. 

"Ghost Yacht" the Kaz II The Kaz II was found drifting off the coast of Australia. However, tables were set, laptops were fully functioning, yet no crew members were never found.

The USS Porpoise The Porpoise and her entire crew of 69 would never be found, and there was no sign of any debris, or indication that she had ever existed.

HMS Sappho HMS Sappho was spotted in the Bass Strait after which she went missing. No wreckage or any of her crew members were ever found.

SS Waratah The SS Waratah disappeared without a trace on her second voyage, in July of 1909. She vanished with all 211 passengers on board. 

SS Vaitarna  Carrying 740 members on board, the vessel was lost and was never found. It did not leave any trace or debris.