Meet the Tribes of Andaman & Nicobar Islands

At one point, the Andamanese were the most popular of the Andaman tribes. Currently they are located on Strait Island where they benefit from the rights of being a Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Group.


Very little is known about the Sentinelese as they have vehemently refused all attempts of contact from the rest of the world and insisted on remaining isolated. They occupy North Sentinel Island and are known to be hostile.


The Jarawa is the Andaman islands tribe that has been most receptive to outside contact. They have been known to voluntarily seek medical assistance in cases of emergency. There are around 200-400 Jarawas who subsist on fishing, hunting and foraging.


The Onge tribe resides in Little Andaman and is also friendly to outsiders. They are semi-nomadic and depend on hunting and foraging for sustenance.


The Shompen are one of the most populous tribes of Andaman Nicobar island. There are around 200-300 Shompen who mainly reside on Great Nicobar Island.


It is a blanket term referring to the dominant tribes residing on the Nicobar Islands. They have a matriarchal chief and most of them practise Christianity, while others practise animism and other traditional religions of the islands.
