Most Aggressive Rooster Breeds

Malay Roosters When considering aggressive rooster breeds, let’s start with the Malay chicken breed. These aren’t a popular chicken fighting breed, but they are pretty aggressive and dominant.

Old English Game Roosters Old English Game chickens are beautiful; they have such a range of colors on their feathers. This breed was bred as a fighting chickens, so they’re considered one of the most aggressive rooster breeds.

Cornish Chickens – Indian Game Cornish Chickens came from England, where they were used as cockfighters because they’re muscular, large birds with fiesta attitudes. They’re known for being quite aggressive towards other birds – they fight amongst each other quite regularly.

American Game Chickens Here is another breed of chicken created specifically for chicken fighting. They’re known for being loud, mean, and territorial birds that cannot be kept it other chickens. They attack without any thought. If you put two roosters together, it will be a bloodbath.

Asil or Aseel Roosters It’s said that they start fighting within a few weeks of hatching, and males must be separated no later than three months old or they will battle to the death. It’s quite sad that they are so aggressive considering they are gorgeous birds.

Oriental Game Some people called this Jungle Fowl or Oriental Fowls, but they all have a serious natural instinct to fight and defend their territory. Oriental Game chickens are one of the last standing ancient chickens that resemble the first domesticated chickens moreso than any other breed.

Modern Game Chickens Modern Game breeds are a mix of Old English game and Malay chickens. Originally, Modern Game birds weren’t bred for fighting, but genetics played a factor, and they retained some of the aggressiveness of each breed.

Faverolles Faverolles are a French-British chickens that have never been raised for fighting; they’re a dual purpose chicken. Many raise them nowadays for chickens for show because their feathers are gorgeous.