Most Consumed Meat In The World

Pork One of the most popular, and thus consumed, meats in the world is pork. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization states that at 36%, pork is the most commonly eaten meat in the world.

Chicken The second most consumed meat in the world is chicken. Chickens are highly valued for their small stature and ease of raising. Besides providing meat, chickens also produce eggs. One factor behind chicken’s popularity is the fact that you can house several chickens in a single coop.

Beef Beef is the third most commonly eaten meat in the world. Some countries eat more beef than others. Beef tends to be a bit more expensive than other types of meat. Part of the reason is that it’s expensive to raise cattle. Ranchers use a complex diet to help fatten cows up, and the diet is dependent on the type of cow.

Goat/Sheep Although goat and lamb aren’t quite as popular in the United States as other types of meat, they are quite popular in other countries.Since some countries can’t afford the high price of raising cattle, they instead raise goats or sheep for meat.

Turkey Due to Thanksgiving celebrations in the United States, turkey is quite a popular meat there. It’s also a popular meat in other countries. The first domesticated turkeys were in Mexico, and so it remains a popular dish there as well.

Duck While you might not have duck very often at your table, it’s actually the sixth-most popular meat consumed in the world. Duck is particularly popular in China and India.The Chinese, in particular, prefer to eat the Pekin duck. The vast availability of ducks is one of the reasons why it’s a popular meat.

Buffalo Buffalo, or American bison, is the seventh-most consumed meat in the world.Although bison isn’t quite as popular in the United States, it is in other parts of the world.Asian countries, in particular, eat a lot of water buffalo each year.

Goose The eighth-most common meat consumed in the world is goose meat. In the United States, goose meat is more like a luxury type of meat. While goose meat was popular during colonial times, its usage has slowly decreased over the decades. Chicken and turkey became more popular.

Rabbit Rabbit is the ninth-most popular type of meat consumed in the world. Not a lot of people choose rabbit meat as their first choice. That’s because rabbit meat has a very distinct flavor. It’s a bit earthy with hints of chicken.

Venison The tenth most consumed meat in the world is venison. Venison is mostly associated with deer, but it can also come from any animal that you hunt. As such, you can also say that venison is boar or hare meat. Deer meat is a popular choice since they’re relatively easy to raise.