Most Expensive Cactus Plants in the World
Fairy Castle Cactus - $25 This is an interesting looking cactus and it got its name because in a way, it does look like some type of castle from a faraway fantasy. It's mostly green with little white dots that are all over it, especially along the edges. You might think that $25 doesn't sound like a lot for a cactus, but you have to keep in mind that this particular cactus is only about four inches tall.
Lepismium Cruciforme Trailing Cactus - $30 This is one of the more rare types of cacti so if you want one, you can expect to pay about $30 for a single potted plant that's still in its early stages. Clearly, something that's larger and more developed will be more expensive.
Sulcorebutia rauschii violacidermis - $40 This is one of the smaller types of cacti, the type that you could easily keep on your desk at the office or in your kitchen window sill. As you can see, the name is practically impossible to pronounce so most people simply refer to it as the purple cactus.
Christmas Cactus - $55 These types of cacti are a little bit harder to find and to be honest, they're almost impossible to find unless you're in the right place around Christmas when they seem to be the most popular.
Saguaro Cactus - $75 If you think that $75 is a lot of money to pay for a cactus, you're right but these types of cacti can grow as large as some smaller trees so when you look at it in that perspective, it's a little easier to understand the cost.