Most Unhygienic Cities in the World

Karachi, Pakistan The average PM 2.5 pollution of Pakistan is 101 micrograms per cubic meter as per the air sample collected in 2010.

Doha, Qatar Doha the capital of Qatar is not a recommended city for travelers with existing health issues.

Kabul, Afghanistan Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan is a highly polluted city in terms of air quality.

Baghdad, Iraq Baghdad is one of the most unhygienic cities to travel to. Air quality is highly polluted and the Mercer Health and Sanitation Index score is 39.

Mexico city, Mexico With Mercer health and sanitation index score 37.7, Mexico City is tagged as one of the most unhygienic cities of the world.

New Delhi, India The Mercer health and sanitation index score of New Delhi stands 46.6.

Colombo, Sri Lanka Emission of fuel by vehicles that contribute to more than 60% of total toxic releases.

Mumbai, India It has earned a Mercer health and sanitation index score of 38.2 pushing it to dreaded zone for contracting diseases.

Baku, Azerbaijan The Mercer health and sanitation index score for Baku is 27.6 and it is considered one of the filthiest cities.