Mystical Charms of Assam: Tantra and Mantra Traditions

18  Dec, 2023

Tantra in Assam

Tantra holds a significant place in Assam's cultural and religious practices, influencing various aspects of life.

Cultural Influence

Many temples in Assam follow tantric rituals, blending spiritual and mystical elements in worship ceremonies.

Temples and Rituals

Tantra is often associated with Shaktism in Assam, where the worship of the feminine divine is prevalent, and tantric practices play a role in these traditions.


Mantra in Assam

Assam has a rich tradition of mantra chanting, with people engaging in repetitive vocalizations of sacred sounds for spiritual and meditative purposes.

Chanting Traditions

Mantras in Assam are often rooted in Vedic traditions, and their recitation is considered a form of devotion and a means to connect with the divine.

Vedic Influence