Photos that shook the world

Volcano eruption destroyed the village of Armero in 1985 When a Volcano erupted, it destroyed the village of Armero in 1985 and one of the victims, Omayra Sanchez a 13 year old girl was stuck in the mud and water. No rescue  option was there and that girl had to die there. The photo of the little girl was taken by  Photographer Frank Fournier that shook the world.

Starvation in Uganda A picture was taken from Uganda in 1980 and the picture showed the picture of kids starving and the picture shook the world and nothing left to say. The kids were departing  this life because of hunger.

A photo of a vulture waiting for the starving kid to die The photo of a vulture waiting for the kid to die to eat him received massive uproar the  photographer won the award and also received huge criticism.

Bhopal Gas Tragedy Bhopal gas tragedy was one of the massive industrial tragedies till date, there was one photo of a kid buried by his father shook the world and this photo was taken by Pablo Bartholomew, this picture said it all.

Mother with seven kids A picture of a mother with her seven kids was taken in 1932 during the great depression, during this time she was not able to provide food for her kids.

The Hindenburg Airship crash The massive airship crash in the Hindenburg on the May 6th in 1937 shook the world. This airship crash was so massive that it fuelled the end of airships.

Monk on fire The picture of dying monk is taken by Malcolm W. Browne in 1963. A monk set himself on fire to death to protest the persecution of the monks by the Vietnamese government.

Spina Bifidus Operation The photograph is taken by Michael Clancy during the Operation. In this photograph one can easily notice the 21 week fetus and a tine hand firmly grips the finger of the doctor in charge.

The photo of Neil Armstrong The photo of Neil Armstrong shook the world as he is the first man to set foot on the moon on the 21st July, 1969. This photo is one of the most famous pictures ever.

A photo of an Iraqi prisoner There is a picture of an Iraqi prisoner consoling his son. He asked the Iraqi soldiers to release his hand when his son was grieved, he took him in his arm and console him.