The corpse flower holds the title of “the worst smelling flower in the world” and it smells just like a rotting, stinking corpse.
Corpse flower
Skunk cabbage looks a little better than the rest of the foul-smelling flowers, but it still stinks
Skunk cabbage
Crown imperial is a late spring bloomer that is famous for its unusual look and, of course, the undeniable smell that is described as “sweaty,” “foxy” or “sulfurous.”
Crown imperial
Dead horse arum lily
This plant produces a stench like a rotting dead horse to attract tons of flies and blowflies (a type of carrion fly) which are its primary pollinators.
Carrion flower
This flower comes with many nicknames, from Zulu giant, toad flower, and carrion flower to starfish flower. Most names reflect its four-sided star shape.
Stinking corpse lily
Another one of the less fragrant plants, nicknamed a corpse flower, is Rafflesia arnoldii, which smells and even looks like a rotting carcass.
Flowering pear tree
One of the colorful, stinking flowering plants is the Pyrus calleryana, which blooms in the spring.
Ginkgo tree
Ginkgo is a beautiful tree, with its bright yellow, fan-shaped leaves that turn golden in the autumn.