Pretty plants that grow well in wet and soggy soil
Cardinal Flower
An easy-care native perennial, cardinal flower sends up spikes of bright red-, white-, or rose-color flowers from midsummer to fall.
Corkscrew Rush
One of the most interesting members of the rush family, corkscrew rush develops dark green, twisted, and spiraled foliage making it a great choice for moist landscapes
Creeping Jenny
This ground-hugging perennial plant that likes wet soil sports bright chartreuse foliage that will quickly carpet any damp area.
Elephant's Ear
Named for their pachyderm-size leaves, elephant's ears are easy-care tropical perennials that come in various colors and bicolors.
Hardy Hibiscus
These heat-loving beauties thrive in rich, moist soil, developing dinner-plate-size blooms from midsummer until fall. Hardy hibiscus is available in a wide variety of colors and bicolors.
If you're looking for a no-work native perennial plant that likes wet soil, consider horsetail (Equisetum hyemale).
Japanese Iris
Wet, acidic soil is the perfect environment for Japanese iris (Iris ensata). These tall, elegant perennials are available in single, double, and peony-flower forms in shades of blue, pink, white, lavender, or violet
Joe Pye WeedThis robust perennial needs little coddling and develops masses of mauve flower heads in the late summer and fall. Joe Pye is a plant that likes wet soil and has no insect or disease problems.
Marsh Marigold
The cheerful buttercup-yellow marsh marigold flowers (Caltha palustris) burst into bloom in the early spring, making this little native a must-have for wet sites.
Obedient Plant
An easy-care native, obedient plant (Physostegia virginiana) is prized for its tall spikes of pink or white snapdragon-like blooms that appear from June until September.