Unique and cool exotic pets

Prehensile-tailed porcupine The prehensile-tailed porcupine, a tree-dwelling rodent from Central and South America, is a unique and unusual species, requiring a large, tall enclosure for their unique appearance.

Agouti Agoutis are rodents from South America that swim very well. Agoutis live in monogamous pairs just like maras and are sometimes kept as pets.

Spotted Genet These magnificent animals, resembling cats crossed with ferrets, are feliforms and can be skittish. They deceively look like cats, but often give up when they don't behave like one. 

Dik Dik Antelope species, once pets, are now extinct. Recently sold for $6000, they may be worth it.

Binturong Bearcat, also known as viverrid, is a bear-like creature with a popcorn-like smell and surprisingly gentle nature, similar to the spotted genet.

Raccoon Dog The picture shows a white or leucistic raccoon dog, a rare East Asian canid, often kept in Europe, despite being federally banned in the US.

Prevost Squirrel The Prevost squirrel, a stunning all-natural species, is a popular pet due to their large housing and human-friendly nature, although they are becoming scarce.

Hyrax Hyraxes, resembling marmots, are the closest living relative to elephants and manatees. They have small "tusks" in their mouth and 7-8 months gestation. Although not commonly petted, opportunities exist.

Tayra Tayras, weasel family pets, are rare due to poor breeding and human interaction challenges, found in Central and South America's wild.

Four-eyed opossum Four-eyed opossums, larger than short-tailed opossums and more challenging to breed in captivity, are less common exotic pets but can make reasonable companions.

Zorilla Skunks, also known as striped polecats, are weasel family members with skunk-like appearances. They use foul-smelling spray as defense, and are more popular pets than zorrilas.