Rare and Weird Phobias humans went through

Rare and Weird Phobias humans went through

Xanthophobia (Fear of the color yellow) People with this rare phobia are usually also afraid of any object that is yellow, such as school buses and flowers.

Ablutophobia (Fear of bathing) This phobia most often occurs in children and resolves with age, but it can still be present in adults.

Optophobia (Fear of opening one’s eyes) This fear can be extremely debilitating, as it is hard for an individual to carry out daily activities without opening their eyes.

Globophobia (Fear of balloons) The level of fear varies from person to person and can range from avoiding being near balloons to avoiding places with balloons altogether.

Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia It is a fear of long words. Ironically, it is also the longest word in the dictionary.

Ephebiphobia (Fear of adolescents) People with ephebiphobia may perceive teenagers as out of control or dangerous and believe they are rude, unpredictable and do not follow rules.

Omphalophobia (Fear of belly buttons) People with omphalophobia will avoid seeing or touching belly buttons, even their own.

Linonophobia (Fear of string) A person with linonophobia will have an extreme reaction even when just thinking of string, let alone seeing it in person.

Pogonophobia (Fear of beards) This usually stems from an alarming incident with a bearded person. 

Chaetophobia (Fear of hair) People with chaetophobia might be afraid of a hairball on the ground, or afraid of combing their hair.