Rivers of Strife: Disputed Waterways of Northeast India

16 Nov,2023

Disputed by India and China over the eastern sector, known as the Brahmaputra or Yarlung Tsangpo.

Brahmaputra River

A major tributary of the Brahmaputra, it originates in Tibet and is a subject of contention between India and China.

Siang River

Another tributary of the Brahmaputra, it is a point of dispute between India and China, particularly in the context of dam construction.

Lohit River

Flows through the Indian state of Assam and Bangladesh, leading to disputes over water-sharing agreements and usage.

Barak River

Disputed between India and Bangladesh regarding water-sharing arrangements, affecting both countries' agricultural and economic interests.

Teesta River

A transboundary river flowing through Bhutan, India, and Bangladesh, creating concerns over dam construction and water sharing.

Manas River

Originating in Bhutan and flowing through India, the river is a subject of discussion between the two nations in terms of hydropower projects and water use.

Sankosh River

A major tributary of the Brahmaputra, it has been a point of contention between India and China in the context of dam construction.

Subansiri River

Another name for the Brahmaputra in its upper reaches, creating complexities in transboundary water management.

Dihang River