Seven underwater animals which can be your buddies

Dolphins Dolphins are smart and belong to the category of most friendly seas animals. They are curious animals and do not bother about human interaction. There are shows in which dophins perform and resorts where one can play with them.

Whales The enormous aquatic creatures are genuinely one of the species who are friendly.Some whales, especially humpback whales and grey whales can be a good pets.   Humpback whales rarely come close to boats. However, they take extra care around boats. Whales are incredibly creative and expressive.

Hammerhead Sharks Though many of us would get threatened if we come across the word 'Shark'. Despite how fierce it appears, it rarely acts violently. It enjoys approaching people. Shark do not bother feeding or petting by humans.

Sea turtle Tortoises and turtles have always been of a friendly nature. When they come out from the water to lay eggs, they entertain the beachgoers. They make the ideal pets when compared to other sea creatures. However, wild ones ought to be avoided. 

Common Octopus In general, octopuses are thought to be aggressive creatures. Very few are also toxic. Few, though, are tiny. When cared for properly, they can be a good pet. One of them is the common octopus. The majority of them prefer to spend the daytime in their den.

Manatees Manatees are frequently referred to as "gentle giants" and with good cause. They are essentially the cows of the water because they move slowly and peacefully. In fact, in pursuit of warmth, these creatures frequently swarm towards human activity.

Seals Despite their size, strength, and deadly teeth, seals are unlikely to ever intentionally hurt you. Seals are exceedingly kind and playful as they are exceedingly kind and playful.