Sleeky, slimy snake species found only in Amazon rainforest


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This recently discovered species, reaching up to 7.5 meters long and weighing 500 kg, is the largest snake in the world. It's a powerful constrictor, lurking in the murky waters of the Amazon basin.

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Northern Green Anaconda

This smaller cousin of the green anaconda, reaching around 3 meters long, is still a formidable predator. It inhabits the floodplains and seasonally flooded forests of the western Amazon.

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Black Anaconda

This vibrantly colored boa constrictor, aptly named for its emerald green scales, lives in the rainforest canopy. It ambushes unsuspecting prey from its leafy perch.

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Emerald Tree Boa

Though resembling the venomous coral snake, this harmless species has a unique adaptation. It mimics the aggressive behavior of its venomous counterpart to deter predators.

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Amazon False Coral Snake

Primarily aquatic, this anaconda spends most of its time in the rivers and lakes of the Amazon basin. It feeds on fish, birds, and even caimans.

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Yellow Anaconda

This venomous viper inhabits swamps and floodplains, where it ambushes prey like frogs, rodents, and even small caimans. Its upturned snout aids in breathing while submerged.

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Semi-aquatic Hog-nosed Viper

This slender, brightly colored racer is endemic to the Manaus region of the Amazon. It's a diurnal snake, actively foraging in the forest understory for lizards and frogs.

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Manaus RacerĀ 

Found only on Marajo Island within the Amazon estuary, this venomous lancehead is critically endangered due to habitat loss and persecution.

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Marajo Island Lancehead