Some medicinal plants to treat wounds, cuts, and burns

Tulsi There are four types of tulsi that are known in Ayurvedic texts i.e. Rama, Krishna, Vana, and Kapoor Tulsi. Over the centuries Tulsi has been known for its remarkable healing properties. Tusli is also taken as herbal tea and often its oil is used as an ear drop.

Aloe Vera Aloe Vera which is grown only under the sun with well-drained dry or moist soil used for treatments of wounds, cuts, and burns and for reducing inflammation. Besides this from its external use on the skin, Aloe Vera is also taken internally in various treatments.

Gotu Kola The Gotu Kola acts on various phases of connective tissue development and stimulates the healing of ulcers, skin injuries, etc. It can be also used for the treatment of leprosy and in increasing attention span and concentration.

Calendula Calendula is well known as a remedy for skin problems. It is often applied to bites, stings, sprains, and wounds. It is also used internally to treat fevers and chronic infections. 

Basil Like other medicinal plants, Basil is also used to treat cuts, stomach gas, scrapes, and lack of appetite.

Rosemary Rosemary is one of the best revivers. According to UMMC, Rosemary can sharpen memory and concentration by bringing more oxygen to your brain.

Methi Methi is useful in gaining weight and in lowering the blood cholesterol levels. It is also helpful in body building and improves poor digestion apart from several other benefits. 

Peppermint Peppermint is regarded as one of the world's oldest medicine with archaeological evidence placing its use at least as far back as ten thousand years ago. Peppermint is naturally high in manganese, vitamin A, and vitamin C. One can reduce irritable bower syndrome with the help of Peppermint.