Super easy ways to clear stuffy nose with home remedies


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Steam inhalation is one of the effective home remedies for congestion. It is the oldest method to get relief from this irritating nasal congestion

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Steam inhalation

A warm compress can help unclog a stuffy nose by reducing inflammation and opening the nasal cavity.

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Warm compress

Ginger is high in anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidants that may help reduce the stuffy nose.

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It is a rich source of powerful nutrients such as vitamins and minerals. It also has an antibacterial property that helps fight against various bacterial infections. 

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Garlic is the best source of antioxidants that stimulate your immune system by multiplying white blood cells

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Grapes are a rich source of vitamin C and antioxidants that help to boost your immunity. It contains a powerful antioxidant named Quercetin that works as an anti-allergic agent. 

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Grapefruit extract

Onion is rich in various health benefits due to the presence of vitamins and antioxidants in it. It has a strong smell that smelling onion for 5 minutes can clear your stuffy nose. 

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Out of other spices, black pepper works wonderfully in a stuffy nose. You can make a drink of a tablespoon of black paper and a tablespoon of honey

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All essential nutrients are present in apple cider vinegar are necessary to get relief from a stuffy nose. It also has antibacterial and antifungal properties.  

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Apple cider vinegar