05 Nov,2023
Tantricism is a diverse set of spiritual practices that originated in India around the 5th to 9th centuries CE.
Tantra emphasizes the integration of opposites, such as the masculine and feminine, to achieve spiritual harmony and enlightenment.
Tantra includes various esoteric practices, often involving rituals, meditation, and visualization, aimed at achieving a deeper understanding of the self and the universe.
Tantric traditions are closely related to yoga, incorporating physical postures, breath control (pranayama), and meditation techniques to awaken dormant spiritual energy (kundalini).
A central aspect of Tantric practice is the awakening and channeling of kundalini energy, often depicted as a serpent coiled at the base of the spine, leading to spiritual awakening and transformation.
Tantra often employs the use of mantras (sacred sounds or words) and yantras (geometric symbols) to focus the mind and invoke spiritual energies.
Tantra employs a wide range of rituals, symbols, and iconography to represent and connect with divine forces and archetypal energies.
Tantra often involves devotion to various deities, including Shiva, Shakti, and others, with a recognition of the divine in all aspects of life.
Tantra can be categorized into "left-hand" and "right-hand" paths. The left-hand path may involve unconventional practices, while the right-hand path is more orthodox and ascetic.
Some Tantric traditions incorporate sexual practices as a means of transcending ordinary consciousness and achieving spiritual awakening, though this aspect is often misunderstood or sensationalized.