The Assam-Bhutan Border: A Mosaic of Nature, Culture and Collaboration

13  Nov,2023

The Assam-Bhutan border is situated in the northeastern part of India, marking the boundary between the Indian state of Assam and the Kingdom of Bhutan.


The border between Assam and Bhutan is approximately 267 kilometers long, characterized by diverse geographical features such as hills, rivers, and plains.


Several rivers serve as natural boundaries along the border, including the Manas River and its tributaries. These rivers play a crucial role in defining the geographical landscape of the region.

River Boundaries

The Manas National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, spans across the Assam-Bhutan border. This park serves as a vital wildlife corridor, allowing the movement of diverse flora and fauna between the two regions.

Wildlife Corridor

The border facilitates trade and economic activities between Assam and Bhutan. Formal border crossings and trade routes are essential for the exchange of goods and fostering economic cooperation.

Trade and Economic Ties

The border region is marked by cultural interactions between the communities residing on both sides. This cultural exchange contributes to a rich tapestry of traditions and practices in the region.

Cultural Interactions

Like many international borders, the Assam-Bhutan border has security concerns, and efforts are made to ensure the safety and sovereignty of both nations. Border security forces play a crucial role in maintaining peace and order.

Security Concerns

The border region attracts tourists due to its scenic beauty, wildlife, and cultural heritage. Visitors often explore both Assam and Bhutan, appreciating the natural and cultural diversity offered by the region.


The governments of Assam and Bhutan engage in diplomatic dialogue to address various issues related to the border, including trade, security, and cultural exchanges. Bilateral agreements aim to strengthen the relationship between the two regions.

Bilateral Relations

Efforts are made to promote environmental conservation along the border, especially in areas like the Manas National Park. Conservation initiatives aim to protect the unique biodiversity and natural resources of the region for future generations.

Environmental Conservation