The dying voices of Tripura's Karbongs


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The Karbong community is one of the nineteen recognized tribes of Tripura, consisting of only two villages and a population of nearly 200 only

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Only few hundreds left

A sub-clan of the Halam community, the Karbong tribe's history is now a dim and distant memory

Credit: Bikranjeet Sengupta (Pari website)

Dim history

The main reason behind their vanishing population can be attributed to inter-caste marriage and migration to the cities for better opportunities

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Inter-caste marriage, migration

They believe that one anonymous tribal queen had cursed the entire Karbong community to a short and impoverished life. Since then, no one has lived a long life in the community, dying at a very early age

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Mythical narratives

Karbong dialect is the same as that of the Halam. The Halam dialect belongs to Kuki-chin language of the greater Tibets Burman language group.

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Karbong dialect

The Karbong are generally engaged in farming activities that consists of gathering leaves, foots, tubers from the jungles, hunting wild animals and birds, catching fishes from rivulets

Credit: Daily Guardian

Traditional Economy

The Karbongs generally like to name their villages after the names of famous leaders along with the name of their group. 

Credit: Tripura.Info

Naming villages after their leaders

Similar to other tribal groups of Northeast, the Karbongs too love their rice wine - Chekharakzu

Credit: Tripura.Info

Wine - Chekharakzu

The male dress if called Dhutibarak and Kamcaulani while the female dress is called Rignai Barak with Risa. 

Credit: Tripura.Info

Common dress