The many benefits which citizens of UAE enjoy


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The UAE has a tax system that includes no personal income tax and no corporate tax for most businesses.

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Tax-free income

The UAE offers free or low-cost healthcare at national hospitals, and free healthcare for Abu Dhabi residents.

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Free healthcare

The UAE offers free education in national schools and universities, including higher education abroad.

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Free education

The UAE offers free land, free housing, or housing loans to deserving citizens.

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Housing benefits

The UAE offers generous government-funded retirement plans and pension benefits starting at age 49.

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Retirement benefits

The UAE offers subsidized fuel, incentive packages for buying houses and land, scholarships for high achievers, and 30 days of paid annual leave

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Subsidized fuel

The UAE also offers a social welfare program that extends to widows, divorced women, orphans, children whose parents are not known, people with low income, and the elderly

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Social Welfare Programme