The Mysterious world of Forest Ghost Flower


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The Forest Ghost Flower is native to India and is found under the dark, shaded forest flower

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Root Parasite

This flower usually grows during Monsoon season

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Monsoon Flower

The flowers have a curious shape. The sepal tube is 2-4 cm long and is split from which emerges a rosy pink flowers tube.

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Curious Sepal Tube

The flowers look like rose buds in brownish holders, which literally is what the Marathi name, Gulabdani means.

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Rose buds

The Forest Ghost Flower is found in Tropical and Subtropical Asia. In India it is found in the Western Ghats and East Himalaya

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Known as Mohavea confertiflora flowers March to April, and what is unique to the species is that it does not produce nectar

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No nectar

Ghost flower attracts the same pollinators to its flowers through floral mimicry

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Floral mimicry