These animals eat their parents

Black Lace Weaver Black Lace Weavers are a  matriphagous which means they their mothers. A female lays another batch of eggs called trophic eggs after babies her have emerged.

African Social Spider When the baby spiders are a bit older, the moms begin to self-digest utilising body enzymes and give themselves to the young spiders as food.

Crab Spiders When the offspring emerge from the sacs because the mother has died due to starvation, they eat their mother to survive.

Desert Spider When the infants hatch, the female's internal organs begin to liquefy, and she vomits her liquified organs for her babies to consume.  She keeps doing this until she is very exhausted, at which point she gives her life as the ultimate sacrifice. Her babies consume dead body.

Caecilians The infants surrounds their mother remove the top layers of her skin so they can eat her.

Hump Earwig Earwigs take care for their eggs until they hatch when they are prepared to leave the nest. She doesn't eat throughout this time, which frequently results in her death. In this instance, her babies will eat her before they leave the nest.