Things to Keep in Mind When Buying Kitchen Chimney

Suction Power is the capacity of the motor to suck oil particles and odour. A kitchen chimney with higher air suction capacity is ideal for Indian kitchens.

Suction Power

If the filter does not function properly the suction becomes poor and can pose a health hazard. The choice of the right filter improves the performance of the chimney.


The motor should be sealed so that dust and grime does not get into it. Aluminum non-stick blower and motor saves you from agony of periodic servicing of internal parts.


The size depends on the size of the kitchen. A 3feet stove should have a 3feet chimney. Standard chimneys come in 2ft and 3ft size.


It is advisable to go for a chimney which requires less maintenance. Install the chimney at low height (4feet) so that cleaning is easy and it effectively removes the smoke and oil particles out.


The price range of electric chimneys ranges from Rs 3000 to Rs 1,00,000.


The noise that is heard is that of the air circulation. Some chimneys have a silent-kit installed which makes it silent or less noise.


Entry level chimneys have a single speed option, but the latest ones have several speed limits to ventilate the kitchen faster.


Most chimneys come with a warranty of 12 months but some chimneys come with a lifetime warranty. Check for after-sales services for the best user experience.

Warranty and Service