Thuruk - Only place in Assam where one experiences snowfall


The only place in the state of Assam that experiences snowfall in the winter is known as Thuruk

Snowfall in Assam

The town of Haflong is 41 km away from the village of Thuruk, which has about 43 houses. 


The place is surrounded by hills, Greenery and there are a few trekking trails, which makes it favored by the trekkers.

Trekking haven

If you are looking for a relaxing trip far from the stressful and mechanical life of the town, then Thuruk Village could be the perfect place for you to spend your holiday

Your next holiday destination

Apart from that, the village is also well known to the tourists for its generosity and the warm nature of its villagers 

Generous folks

In the winter, this area gets very cold as it stays covered in snow. It is almost the end of November and it is highly expected to be snowing by December.

Coldest place