Top 10 Political Parties in the World

Jan 18, 2024

The BJP, which has its origins in the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), has developed into India’s most powerful political movement. The party is able to maintain national power because of the overwhelming support for its ideology, which is sometimes described as Hindu nationalist.

Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

The CCP was established in 1921 and currently has almost 100 million members, making it the largest political party in the world. It has a significant impact on China’s political, economic, and social environment.

Chinese Communist Party (CCP)

The INC, a former adversary of the BJP, played a significant role in India’s struggle for independence. It has grown over time into a complex political movement that supports several social and economic causes.

Indian National Congress (INC)

United Russian politics are dominated by United Russia, which backs President Vladimir Putin and controls a majority in the State Duma, making it the country’s dominant party.

 United Russia

The Republicans are one of the two major political parties in the country, and they support conservative social values, free market principles, and little government action.

 Republican Party – United States

 Democratic Party – United States

The Democratic Party has produced several American presidents, including Barack Obama and Joe Biden. It is renowned for its progressive attitudes toward social problems and focuses on government action.

 National Congress Party (NCP) – India

The NCP, a key force in Indian politics, places a strong emphasis on social justice, secularism, and inclusive government.

 Workers’ Party of Korea (WPK)—North Korea

W0rkers People Korea upholds the Juche doctrine and places a strong emphasis on the Kim dynasty’s rule and self-reliance.

 Nationalist Party (KMT)—Taiwan

Since its founding in 1912, the KMT has been a major force in Taiwanese politics, pushing for greater relations to China’s mainland.

 African National Congress (ANC) – South Africa

The ANC is the country’s current ruling party and was at the forefront of the fight against apartheid. It advocates for economic and social justice.