Top 10 Small Flowering Trees for Your Yard

Flowering Crabapple Crabapples, a cool-climate favorite, have a variety of shapes and colors, making them ideal for planting in full sun. They also serve as nesting trees for chipping sparrows and host plants for io moth larvae.

Magnolia This plant produces beautiful white, pink, yellow, and purple blooms on branches, with green leaves. It's suitable for various regions and can be planted in full sun to part shade. To improve tree growth, replace grass with organic mulch.

Carolina Silverbell Carolina silverbell, a maintenance-free plant, thrives in full sun to full shade, provided it's kept moist and in acidic soil with a pH below 7.

Japanese Tree Lilac This small lilac tree, underused but underutilized, produces sweet scents from ivory blooms. It thrives in cold climates and can grow in difficult locations like highway medians.

Yellowwood Yellowwood's best bloom show occurs in late summer, with fragrant white blossoms. Grow in full sun, but be cautious in heavy snow areas. Its bark provides winter interest.

Apple Serviceberry Apple serviceberry is a versatile tree suitable for landscapes due to its moderate size, bird-attracting berries, and ability to thrive in sun to part sun locations.

Eastern Redbud This North American native plant features delicate rose-purple blooms and heart-shaped leaves, suitable for full sun to part shade and available in alternate leaf colors like Forest Pansy or Lime-gold The Rising Sun.

Japanese Flowering Cherry Plant a cherry tree in full sun for a beautiful flowering display that attracts birds like robins, cardinals, and waxwings with the right cultivar.

Dogwood Dogwoods, native to North America and Asia, produce flowers up to 4 inches wide and colorful red fruits, which are enjoyed by birds due to their acidic soil.

White Fringe Tree The fringe tree, native to southern Pennsylvania, Florida, and Texas, blooms in spring with fragrant white petals and adaptability, producing blue fruits that birds love..