Tsungkotepsu: The pride of Ao Nagas


A warrior shawl created by the Ao Nagas of Nagaland


Traditionally, the Tsungkotepsu could only by worn by warriors who had successfully taken the heads of enemy warriors.


In mordern times, the right to wear the Tsungkotepsu is associated with performing a mithun sacrifice a demonstration of wealth

Modern times

The shawl is black and red striped with a single white stripe in the middle containing depictions of animals and other symbols and a brighter red region at the bottom


There are also several animals depicted in the strip, which are symbolic of the physical power and the valour of the warrior


In pre-colonial Ao society, shawls were used as a marker of social status. The Tsüngkotepsü was the highest-ranking male shawl.

High ranking male shawl

The symbols in the white band are sometimes replaced with depictions of mithun, which also represent the wealth and success of the warrior,
