Unexplained Wonders of the Jagannath Temple


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The flag at the top of the Jagannath Temple flutters in an opposite to the direction in which the wind blows. 1800 years old tradition, a priest climbs atop the Shikhara of the Jagannath Temple every day in order to change the flag.

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Direction of Flag

The idols are made of wood and are replaced with new idols during Nabakalebara. This ritual is done once after every 8, 12, or 19 years. Sacred neem trees with rigid specifications are selected and used for the purpose.

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Wooden Idols

No matter what time of the day it is, no matter where the sun is shining through in the sky, the temple doesn't have a shadow.

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No Shadow

The Mahaprasad is served to Lord Jagannath in 5 phases and consists of 56 delectable delicacies. It is of two types, the sukhila and the shankhudi.

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Abadha Mahaprasadam

The Mahaprasad is prepared by thousands of priests and 7 earthen pots are placed one above the other and the food is cooked over firewood and the food in the topmost pot gets cooked first followed by the rest.

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Preparation of Mahaprasadam

Once you step inside the temple, you stop hearing the sound of the sea. According to myth, Goddess Subhadra wished that the temple would be a place of serenity, and in order to please her, the temple mutes the sound of the sea.

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Sound of Waves

In the case of Puri’s Jagannath Temple, not even a single bird can be seen atop the temple dome. Nothing hovers above, no planes, not even any bird. There is no logical clarification for this yet.

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Nothing Flies Above The Temple

There is a wheel of fortune or chakra on the top of the temple which weighs about a ton. The most amazing fact is that any viewer who views the chakra from a height at any point in Puri always sees that the chakra faces towards itself.

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Direction of Chakra

Every year lakhs and lakhs of pilgrims visit this holy temple. The Rathyatra or Jagannath worship days draw more pilgrims than normal days.

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The Mystery of Prasadam

It is a natural phenomena that usually happens in coastal areas during the day-time, the breeze blows from the sea towards the land and during evening hours it blows from the land towards the sea. But in Puri, it happens in the reverse form.

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Reverse Sea Breeze