Vegetables that are actually Fruits 

Tomato  It is most certainly a fruit – a very popular one at that.

Cucumber  These salad ‘fruits’ come in different varieties.

Sweet Peppers, Chilli or Capsicum Capsicums are essentially berries with a hollow interior, containing its seeds.

Pumpkin & Squash These ‘fruits’ grow from the flowers of a vine-like plant, that either trails along the ground or is trained up a trellis.

Olives The olive is indigenous to the Eastern Mediterranean area and yes, you got it – is a fruit!

Aubergine or Eggplant Yes, the aubergine is also a fruit. Most commonly known for it’s dark, purple ‘aubergine’ colour.

Sweet corn It turns out that each tiny ‘grain’ on the ear of corn is indeed a fruit.

Avocado Its original name ‘ahuacatl’ comes from  an Aztec language (which sounds very similar to the Spanish word for avocado ‘aguacate’)

Green beans They are born from the flower of a bean plant.