The Toha was inspired by the nests of an extinct species of Angolan birds, with the intent of evoking the spirit of the birds.
The Contrabass Balalaika is comparable to an upright bass. It typically is played with a large leather pick to produce a clearer sound quality.
The Stylophone is a miniature analog stylus-operated keyboard. The metal keyboard is played by touching it with a stylus to create each note.
Built by master luthier Linda Manzer, this guitar was made specifically for Pat Metheny
The theremin is one of the earliest electronic instruments. The instrument has two metal antennas that can sense the positions of the player’s hands, which control the volume and pitch of the instrument.
The glass armonica consists of a series of glass bowls in different sizes and the sound is produced by the player rubbing their fingers over the glass.
The Crwth is an archaic Welch instrument, and only four original crwths exist.
The Hang, sometimes called a Hang Drum, is made of two sheets of steel. The Hang has various dents hammered into it which produce specific notes when tapped by the player.