Amid ongoing formalin issue, let's find out from where does Assam import fish? 

Rohu and Bhokua fish Rohu and Bhokua fish are being imported from Andhra Pradesh and Sikanderbad. Especially Rohu weighing 1 kg to 2.5 kg are being imported from Andhra Pradesh.

Sital, Aari, borali fish Fish like Sheetal, Aari, barali fish come to Assam from leather city Kanpur. As per reports, in these fish, no formalin are found. With this, Kanpur is another city which fulfill the demand of fish in Assam.

Prawan and Bumblebee fish Those who love Prawan and Bumblebee fish must know that these fish are being imported from Kolkata. However, there are several fish which come to Assam from Kolkata, but mainly these two varietes imported from the said state.

Ilish fish The fish which has very sharp and tough bones are usually imported from Bangladesh along with other fish. The Ilish is a very popular fish food in India.