World Cancer Day Theme Over the Past Decade


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The theme for this year is “Together, we challenge those in power”. This theme encompasses the global demand for leaders to prioritize and invest in cancer prevention

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World Cancer Day 2024

The theme for annually observed World Cancer Day 2023 was "Close The Care Gap’" which is about understanding the inequities in cancer care and taking actions to make the necessary progress to address them.

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World Cancer Day 2023

The theme for World Cancer day for the last three years - 2022, 2023 and 2024 - is "Close The Care Gap". The multi-year campaign is focused on addressing exposure, engagement, and opportunities to meet global awareness of Cancer Day.

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World Cancer Day 2022

The World Cancer Day theme for 2021 was ‘I Am and I Will’, underscored the message that individual actions are important to reducing the growing impact of cancer.

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World Cancer Day 2021

Th2 2018 year's theme was “'We can. I can” was a continuation of a 3-year campaign that explores, highlights and provides guidance on how everyone, together or individually can help reduce the global burden of cancer.

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World Cancer Day 2018

The World Cancer Day theme "Not Beyond Us" in 2015 conveyed the message that the fight against cancer is a collective effort and that finding solutions and overcoming the challenges associated with cancer is within our reach as a global community.

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World Cancer Day 2015