Zodiac Signs with Worst Anger Issues

Aries  Aries are known for their fiery temper and impulsive nature. They can become easily frustrated and irritable.

Leo  They can be dramatic and overreact to minor issues, and they tend to make everything about themselves.

Scorpio They can be possessive and jealous, which can lead to outbursts of anger or even vengeful behavior.

Sagittarius Sagittarians are full of adventurous spirit and love of freedom, and when they feel trapped or restricted, they can become temperamental.

Taurus Taureans can become temperamental when they feel their values or possessions are under a threat.

Gemini Geminis can be unpredictable, and their moods can change quickly.

Cancer Cancers are sensitive and emotional. So, when they feel hurt or rejected, they can become temperamental.

Capricorn Capricorns can become temperamental when they feel their authority or reputation is under challenge.